Mark DeLong:

Hotel Photographer // New York

From conception to completion, Mark DeLong uses his rare talent for photography to create dynamic and engaging visual assets for hotels. His specialty is ensuring these stills and moving images perfectly align with a company's messaging goals. Mark and his team have worked with some of the world's most influential and recognized brands, including BMW, Elle, the Food Network and Warner Music Group.

While some photographers are only involved during some stages, Mark and his team are there throughout the entire creative process, setting himself apart from other luxury hotel photographers. With a personal approach, exquisite set designs and a talented team with creative and technical expertise, every project has helped show Mark DeLong is the best professional hotel photographer in New York and beyond.


As with any type of commercial photography, the created visuals must further the goals of the brand that they represent. Mark is involved in every aspect of a project, from finding the perfect location to hiring and styling talent to designing incredible sets. His distinct ability to capture beautiful images that are on-message with a brand's goals sets his work apart from many other photographers.

Mark often takes on multiple roles during a project. As a stills photographer, he captures classic still images that beautifully reflect the tone and feel behind a brand's essence. When he works as the director, he works with big ideas and coordinates the members of the crew. As the director of photography, Mark directs the photography, lighting and other elements of the project to create moving images.

It is rare for photographers to be able to take on all of these roles. Mark truly has a unique talent that sets him apart from other professional photographers in his generation.


New York is known as the City that Never Sleeps. Even though there is always something to do, something to see and places to go, visitors still need a place to relax and sleep. Whether someone is visiting the city for business or pleasure, they will be looking for the right hotel to book for their stay.a

Visuals are the perfect way to show potential customers the beauty, comfort and convenience of your hotel. With so many options for accommodations in the city, your hotel must stand out. Still and moving images can bring an emotional response in the audience. If you have a picture of guests enjoying the spa in your hotel, potential guests who view it will feel relaxation and comfort. Then, they will associate those positive feelings with your hotel.

Mark DeLong is a renowned photographer in New York and all over the world. He is known as a visionary who captures incredible images for clients in many different industries, and his attention to detail and special skills help him create practical, profitable visual assets for your hotel.

Mark's work can speak for itself. Explore his diverse portfolio to see his past work with New York clients in the hospitality and other industries.